Dialogic 4000 Series SU4.1 Manuale Utente

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4000 Media Gateway Series as a Survivable
Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010
Deployment Guide
December 2011
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 26 27


Pagina 1 - Dialogic

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway Series as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide December

Pagina 2 - Copyright and Legal Notice

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 10 10. In the Sip Transport Protocol fie

Pagina 3 - Table of Contents

SBA Deployment 11 Branch Workflow The steps in this section must be performed at the branch site. SBA Deployment – Bootstrap User Interface To configu

Pagina 4 - Overview

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 12 6. Click on Configure Domain, and fo

Pagina 5 - SBA Deployment

Using SIPcontrol Software Configuration Wizard to Configure SBA 13 Using SIPcontrol Software Configuration Wizard to Configure SBA The Dialogic® Diva®

Pagina 6

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 14 3. If the Diva Media Board uses a D-

Pagina 7

Using SIPcontrol Software Configuration Wizard to Configure SBA 15 4. Click on SIPcontrol configuration on the left hand side of the Dialogic® Diva®

Pagina 8

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 16 7. In the Configuration profile fiel

Pagina 9

Using SIPcontrol Software Configuration Wizard to Configure SBA 17 10. Click on Continue until a “Configuration profile generated” message appears at

Pagina 10 - Deployment Guide

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 18 13. To set up or modify a security pr

Pagina 11 - Branch Workflow

Generating Private Key Files and Certificates Using Active Directory Certificate Services 19 The files to upload are described below: Certificate auth

Pagina 12

Copyright and Legal Notice Copyright © 2011 Dialogic Inc. All Rights Reserved. You may not reproduce this document in whole or in part without permiss

Pagina 13 - Configure SBA

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 20 3. In Windows Explorer, search for t

Pagina 14

Generating Private Key Files and Certificates Using Active Directory Certificate Services 21 3. Log into the Active Directory Certificate Services we

Pagina 15

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 22 The Request a Certificate page appear

Pagina 16

Generating Private Key Files and Certificates Using Active Directory Certificate Services 23 7. Open the certificate request file with WordPad. (In t

Pagina 17

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 24 9. Click on Submit. If the certifica

Pagina 18

Generating Private Key Files and Certificates Using Active Directory Certificate Services 25 13. Click on Download a CA certificate, certificate chain

Pagina 19

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 26 Uploading Key Files and Certificate R

Pagina 20

Uploading Key Files and Certificate Request to SIPcontrol Software 27 4. Click on Security Profiles (about halfway down the page), and then click Det

Pagina 21

3 Table of Contents Overview ... 4 SBA D

Pagina 22

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 4 Overview This document describes how t

Pagina 23

SBA Deployment 5 3. Add the DMG4000 Gateway SBA device to the active directory, as follows: a. In the Computer name field, specify the computer name

Pagina 24

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 6 8. Enter your password in the Passwor

Pagina 25

SBA Deployment 7 3. In the Name field, type the name of the branch site. This field is required. 4. In the Description field, type a meaningful desc

Pagina 26 - SIPcontrol Software

Dialogic® 4000 Media Gateway as a Survivable Branch Appliance for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Deployment Guide 8 To define an SBA, follow these steps:

Pagina 27

SBA Deployment 9 4. In the Front End pool field, select the front end server at the central site to which the SBA will connect. The front end server

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