1 MMiiccrroossoofftt EExxcchhaannggee SSeerrvveerr 22000077 UUnniiffiieedd MMeessssaaggiinngg PPBBXX CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn NNoott
10 3. Set the Prime Line Type to single line. 4. Ensure that all the other available key assignments are set to not assigned. Use the Station Serv
11 │ 6 │ 506 │ │ │ 7 │ 507 │
12 6. Exchange 2007 UM Validation Test Matrix The following table contains a set of tests for assessing the functionality of the UM core feature set
13 5 Dial Auto Attendant (AA). Dial the extension for the AA and confirm the AA answers the call. P 6 Call Transfer by Directory Search. 6a
14 9 Send a test FAX message to user extension. Confirm the FAX is received in the user’s inbox. P 10 Setup TLS between gateway/IP-PBX and Exch
15 6.1. Detailed Description of Limitations Failure Point Phone type (if phone-specific) Call scenarios(s) associated with failure point List
16 7. Troubleshooting 7.1. Important Debugging Tools • Ethereal/Wireshark – Used to view and analyze the network captures provided by the Dialogic
17 Appendix 1. Dial Pilot Number and Mailbox Login • Dial the pilot number of the UM server from an extension that is NOT enabled for UM. • Confir
18 b. From an External Phone • From an external phone, dial the extension for a UM-enabled user and leave a voicemail message. • Confirm the voice
19 • Note: Even though some keys are associated with three or four numbers, for each letter, each key only needs to be pressed once regardless of th
2 Content This document describes the configuration required to setup Mitel SX200 and Dialogic® 1000 Media Gateway Series (DMG1008MTLDNI) using digit
20 • Once it is received in the user’s inbox, use OWA’s Play-On-Phone to dial an internal extension. • Confirm the voicemail is delivered to the co
21 9. FAX • Use the Management Console or the Management Shell to FAX-enable a user. • Management Console: • Double click on a user’s mailbox and
22 12. Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) • Although Exchange 2007 UM does not natively support MWI, Geomant has created a 3rd party solution - MWI2007
3 1. Components Information 1.1. PBX or IP-PBX PBX Vendor Mitel Model SX200 Software Version Lightware 19 Telephony Signaling Digital set emulat
4 4. Gateway Setup Notes During the initial setup of the gateway using the serial port, you must: • Assign the gateway a Unique IP address, subnet m
5 5. PBX Setup Notes The basic steps of setting up the PBX for use with this gateway and Exchange UM are as follows: • Setting up each gateway stati
6 |Check COR after PSTN Dial Tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No |Clear All Features Remote. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No
7 |Local Music On Hold source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No |Loudspeaker Pager Override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes
8 |Third Party Call Forward Follow Me - Allow . . . . . . . . Yes |Timed Reminder Allowed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes
9 Use the DNI Circuit Assignment menu selection to set a specific wiring address to use the Superset 430 station type. Configure as many wiring addre
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